Not fair!
I'm so happy that Biggun has been home most of the weekend. Well, sort of. She had a friend here, too, and so I had to stay in my room, but at least I wasn't alone. And she's not going anywhere until later today, so I am out running around. Kee kee kee, this makes me happy.
But here is something that does NOT make me happy: Biggun shut the door to her bedroom! She won't let me in! Is this fair? NO! It is not. That is my favorite place to play and now I can't because the door is shut and I can't get in because it is too little underneath for me to wiggle in! I am very mad about this. I keep trying to dig my way in, but it doesn't work and Biggun just comes over and sprays water at me when I do that. And I keep following her around, telling her that I HAVE to go in there because I have important things in her room that I have to check on, but she won't listen to me.
Even worse, she has this...thing. I don't know what it is, but all day long, she's been pointing it at me. Well, it is kind of like the camera. I am used to the camera and I know that when it points at me, I have to be still and cute so she can take my pictures. This thing is a little different but she points it at me, so I am still and I let her do whatever it is she is doing, but then she gets all angry and tells me to run around and do cute things. And the thing she holds starts beeping and it's just all freaky. That girl is so weird.
So, I am going to go eat a grape now, because there's one out on my plate in the other room. And then I am going to try to get into Biggun's bedroom. I hope you are all having a nice weekend.
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