Friday, August 13, 2004

Sick Biggun

Biggun has been sick for days and days! It has been very bad - she comes home and lies on the floor under a blanket. She does not want to cuddle me, she does not want to play with me, she does not bring me grasshoppers. All she does is make big, loud, horrible noises that scare the fuzz right off me. She calls it "sneezing and coughing" but it sounds like she is exploding. It's scary. And she's ugly, too! Her nose looks like she was digging in the dirt too much with it and her eyes are not sparkly and shiny. She doesn't laugh. It makes me worried. Only, today, she is feeling better. She brought me some little grasshoppers when she got home and she also brought me some new weeds. They are fun to play with because they are sort of fuzzy, like I am. Also, she took me out and we played some games and that made me feel a lot better. And! She brought me a new treat! She gave me some cantalope and honey dew melon. These things are delicious. There are so many good foods for me to eat! I forgot to say that yesterday she brought me the yummiest things. She calls them chokecherries. They are just the right size and I had a lot of fun eating them. Anyhow, that is why I have not written for a few days - Biggun forgot to turn the computer on and I don't know how and she was making big, loud, frightening noises. Thank goodness she is better today because I needed to get out and play.
Biggun says she had to rest because we have a big weekend. I am going to a party! There will be many many many people for me to meet and hopefully some more delicious food for me to eat! Some of the people I will know, like my other BiggunMom and my good cuddling friend, Annie, and her friend, K who is having the party, and Ericka who takes good pictures of me and Colleen who is the only person in the world who has met me and does not love me. There is something wrong with her, I think. I don't think she gets enough grasshoppers. I am very excited! I wonder what I should wear?

I think I'm going to go ask for some more cantalope now. That's some good stuff!


At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have not met me yet...but I am your Canadian connection! I have a lovely big dog that you would enjoy however he has a tendency to chase your relatives (the park/urban squirrel) and scare the crap out of them so perhaps a meeting is not such a good idea. Sorry to hear that your biggun has been so neglectful...shame on her but you should know that when bigguns get sick (especially the male kind) they are very self-absorbed and childlike (me, me, me syndrome). For your party attire I might recommend tails but you would appear to sport those at all times...perhaps a nice human skin wrap would be good although you are not likely to find one lying around the house anywhere. When in doubt always go black and work with what you have...just remember they will love you for you...looks and personality...lucky squirrel...I am enjoying your posts and pics...Greetings from the Great "white" North : )


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