Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Call the ASPCA!

I went to a party on Saturday. I was very cute. I wore my usual gear - stripes and spots. Everyone loved me, except Colleen. That girl is sick, I think. Anyway, Biggun let me out in the garden and it was wonderful! There was a lot of dirt and big plants to hide me, but everyone was worried about me (I think they thought I was going to attack them like the vicious animal I am!) and so Biggun had to put me back in my case. Darn it. But, it was fun.

Biggun and I, dancing at the party. I'm so big now!

And then something bad happened. Biggun and the other BiggunMom brought me home and put me in my room. Biggun kissed me goodnight and said that I could run around all the next day because it was just going to be the two of us for that whole day. But, then guess what happened? She didn't come back. The next day came and there was no Biggun at all. Then it was night again and the next day came and Biggun came in and let me play while she got ready for work. She missed a whole day!! She abandoned me! She kept telling me she was sorry, but still, I had to be alone for a whole day! It was the most horrible thing that has happened to me since I was abandoned the first time. I was very lonely.

My new hobby is digging. I like dirt now. It's very fun. I get into Bigguns houseplants and I start digging like crazy. She yells at me and says "No, Chico! Knock it off!" and I laugh and run away and watch her vacuum up the mess I made. It's very fun. And what was even more fun was...Biggun puts tea bags in the dirt of her plants because she is weird. I throw them out before I start to dig. Well, she was vacuuming and then she sucked up a wet tea bag and it whistled in the hose and she thought it was me and she freaked out because she didn't know it was a teabag...she just knew she'd sucked up something big and it was whistling. She was almost crying, she was so upset and she turned off the vacuum and took off the hose and then found out it was a teabag. I was right behind her, watching her (but far away from the vacuum because it is too loud) the whole time.

It's raining again today. No grasshoppers for me. But it is OK because I got six of them yesterday and they were delicious! It's very cold and stormy out so I have to sit in Biggun's lap to write this, where I can stay warm and snuggly. Also, I like to crawl up her shirt and get to her shoulder so I can make a nest in her hair. So, that is what I am going to do now.


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